The Erie & Niagara County Framework application has been converted over to the new HTML5 platform.

This version of the Online Mapping Application uses the free HTML5 platform. HTML5 is compatible with all browser types. Most of the functionality from the older Silverlight application is still available in the HTML5 version. As our vendor does further development we expect that almost all original functions will be regained.

Click on the checkbox below to continue on to the new Erie County Mapping Application.

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We hope that you find this new version of the OnMap application to be a valuble upgrade. We look forward to receiving your comments on this at Erie County GIS Office

Bookmarks should point to to eliminate broken links when project updates are completed.

Problem reports or general comments can be emailed to Erie County GIS Office

All contents of this site are property of Erie County or other parties that have licensed their material to Erie County and are protected by copyright law. It may not be reproduced or redistributed without the prior written permission of the County of Erie.

About this Website
On this website we provide an interactive environment in which users who are interested in learning about our Geographic Information System (GIS) services may find such information and, if they choose to do so, create various mapping "scenarios" related to their areas of interest. These maps are accessible to anyone who may subsequently access this project database and are not considered confidential information by Erie County.

Information within this web mapping application is provided as a public service by Erie County. This application and all of the information it contains is provided strictly "as is" and without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

The CONTENT is provided without any representation or warranty of any kind, and in particular without representation or warranty about the CONTENT quality, accuracy, completeness or timeliness.

We cannot guarantee that all information is current or accurate. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy, currency and reliability of the content. However, at any time, some details may not yet reflect recent changes. Users should verify information before acting on it.

The County of Erie makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information provided in this application. The County of Erie disclaims any responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the data and information on this application. The data contained in this site is compiled from many sources. Users of this data are hereby notified to consult information sources for verification. Update frequency is monthly but is not guaranteed. If errors or discrepancies are found on this site please notify the Erie County Office of GIS at The request may be forwarded to the department or organization responsible for the information.

The User knowingly waives any claims for damages against any entities comprising the Erie County Mapping Site that may arise from the mapping data. The County of Erie does not accept any responsibility for any losses or damages arising from anyone using this information. The USER hereby releases and forever discharges the County of Erie and its employees from all claims, demands, damages, actions or causes of action arising or to arise by reason of use of this application or any inaccuracies, errors, misrepresentations, or omissions or limitations in information contained herein.

These maps may be generalized and may not reflect current conditions. Maps obtained using this site are for illustrative purposes only and are not designed to assist in navigation or as a substitute for legal survey. The coordinates displayed do not represent legal parcel corners and/or boundaries and they cannot be used for establishment of or in lieu of legal land survey boundaries for property or parcels thereof. This map may contain cartographic errors and omissions.

By using the Erie County Mapping site and any data or information accessed from Erie County Mapping you agree to the above disclaimer.

For more information please contact the Erie County Office of GIS (716)-858-8390
To report errors or problem with this site, please contact the Erie County GIS Office

This application uses licensed Geocortex Essentials technology for Esri's ArcGIS Server. All rights reserved.